Want to get involved in the community? Have some ideas about how First Night can get bigger and better? Join the Board of Directors and help us really showcase our love for the arts!
First Night Youngstown had another great year with over 5000 in attendance at our 2018 celebration! While 2019 has just started, preparation for First Night 2020 has already begun. Our all-volunteer board works year-round to bring Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley a quality experience for the entire family. First Night may be only a one-night event, but it takes hundreds of hours throughout the year to make it happen.
First Night 2019 marked the 19th year for the event, and we keep it fresh and entertaining for our guests. In 2016, we rebranded our organization, updated our website, moved our fireworks location, and added an outdoor main stage to rock in the new year. In 2018, we added a Murder Mystery Dinner set in 50's Youngstown, and a Hypnosis Show! In 2019 we've switched from buttons to wristbands...and OF COURSE we're gearing up for 2020 -- our 20th Anniversary.
We hope to see more year-long appearance, events, and fundraising efforts. We want to keep adding and improving to make First Night spectacular, but we need your help!
First Night needs some enthusiastic new people with fresh ideas to help us if we hope to continue presenting an exciting, entertaining New Year's Eve. We need people to work on everything from booking performers, fundraising, bookkeeping, creating promotional materials and managing the venues on the night of the event. New people always bring new ideas to an organization. Please consider becoming a board member and joining one of our committees.
Not sure what First Night is all about? We’d love to sit down and talk with you about it. Email us if you have any questions, or better yet, fill out our Application to Join the FNY Board! We'll sit down and talk with you about everything and answer all of your questions.
Help us keep First Night Youngtown a vibrant part of our community by getting involved. We can't do it without you!
Fill out the contact form below Email any questions to